Today, modern wells in America are considered a reliable source for fulfilling all water requirements of a home. It’s like putting money in a bank; a properly installed well provides safe and affordable drinking water to all. When it comes to home water wells, whether you buy a new house with existing private water well, construct a new home, or are drilling a new well to replace the old one, you need to have a thorough understanding of water well installation and maintenance.
Knowing the efficiency of the well water supply system, 38% of the population in the U.S relies on the groundwater for their drinking supply. A freshwater well at home can greatly benefit the entire family by providing plenty of naturally filtered, pure drinking water. In modern times, homeowners use three types of water wells to ensure water quality. Let’s look at the following types for better understanding.
Types of Water Wells
Shallow or Bored Wells: Conventional drilling typically bores Shallow or Bored Wells into unconstrained water sources, often locating them at depths of 100 feet or less.
Rock or Consolidated Wells: Drilling into geological formations forms Rock or Consolidated Wells, which are comprised entirely of rock and lack soil. These wells have no risk of collapse and typically reach an average depth of around 250 feet.
Sand or Unconsolidated Wells: are formed through drilling into geology and for the most part, consist of soil, sand, clay, gravel and all such material that gets layered on itself.
Location is a predominant factor which determines the type of water well needed. For example, locations which are near to coast are commonly seen with sand or unconsolidated water wells.
Important Factors When Designing a Water Well
When constructing a water well, there are mainly three key factors to keep in mind, which include: identifying the proper location, determining a correct measurement of the system, and incorporating professional construction mechanism.
The identification of a location relies upon regulations as imposed by the state, country and the water board authorities, respectively. Taking help of a professional water well contractor will significantly ease down the trouble because of their prior experience and expertise to identify the location of the water well on your property. Homeowners do this according to the size of the lot, finding a suitable location for the existing structure and utilities, ideally locating them to provide and ensure a good water supply.
Determining the correct measurement is a pivotal element of water well construction. The design of the system is centered on various factors. These include the level of depth of the water resource, the quantity of water required for the number of bathrooms and bedrooms, number of household members and their usage of water, and the appliances which require the use of water, for instance, the usage in swimming pools, spas, irrigation and the use of the water for outdoor use.
Proper construction mechanism of a water well is essential to keep it operating safely. The cost may relatively be on the higher side, but it’s worth spending in the long-run. A properly constructed water well offers several advantages. Ranging from efficient delivery of water to requiring less effort in maintenance and increasing your well’s longevity.
Drilling the Water Well
After choosing a location in accordance with local regulations, size of the well, and drilling method, it is now time to drill the water well. There are two modern drilling methods used in constructing home water well. Both the techniques employ state-of-the-art technology, based on the specific geological requirements.
Well, water might have a different taste or smell as it stays within a tank. The smell and taste can vary due to the location of the well and the surrounding environmental elements. The smell comes from bacteria, sediments, inorganic materials, and several other contaminants.
Therefore, determining the right filtration technique for water well is essential to remove all the contamination and impurities from the well water. The filtration technique can vary. Use of chemical, a biological process, or physical barrier are suitable options for filtering your water.
The fundamental reason for constructing a water well is to ensure water safety. Home water filtration systems come in many forms. For example, under sink filtration, water filter on the countertop, faucet-attached water filter, and many others.